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UTS Stack

int stack[11];
void menu ()
 cout<<"1.Push\n2. Pop\n3. Clear\n4. Print\n5. Exit\nPilihan Anda : "; //For Show The Menu
int push (int j) //Input data on the stack
 if (j<10)
   j=0;//indicator index
  cout<<"Masukkan Data (int) = ";
  cin>>stack [j];//input for data stack and j as a value index the array
  cout<<"Data berhasil dipush\n";
  j++;//increment for index the array
  cout<<"Stack penuh, harap lakukan pop data dahulu\n";
 return j;
int pop (int j)

  cout<<"Data "<<stack[j]<<" Dipop\n";
  cout<<"Stack kosong,harap lakukan push data dahulu\n";
 return j;
void print (int j)
  for(int i=j-1;i>=0;i--)
  cout<<"Stack kosong,harap lakukan push terlebih dahulu\n";
main ()
 int i=-1,pilih;

  system ("cls");
  menu ();
   cout<<"Jumlah isi stack : "<<i<<endl;
   getch ();
   goto start;
  else if (pilih==2)
   getch ();
   goto start;
  else if (pilih==3)
   for(int x=0;x<i;x++)
    stack[x]=NULL;//NULL = empty.
   i=-1;//change the index to be -1, it means empty/ no array
   cout<<"Semua data terhapus\n";
   goto start;
  else if (pilih==4)
   goto start;
  else if (pilih==5)
   cout<<"\n\nTerima Kasih\n";
   cout<<"Input salah\n";
   goto start;
  return 0;

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